People we work with

PHHS currently works with the following organizations to ensure continuity for our clients. The following organizations are additional resources for our clients in regards to programs available.

3349 Church St
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: 877-622-6700
After Hours Toll Free Phone: (800) 285-6425

Aging and Disability Resource Center

Community Care
Phone: (414) 231-4000
Toll Free: 1-866-992-6600
205 Bishops Way
Brookfield, WI 53005

IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct)
1 West Wilson Street, Room 655
P.O. Box 7851
Madison WI 53707-7851
Phone for enrolled members: 1-888-515-IRIS (4747)

Free download resources
Preferred Home Health Solutions offers you the following resources free of charge.
Pet_Plan (PDF)
Elder_Abuse_ and_Neglect (PDF)
Home_Safety_Checklist (PDF)
We do whatever it takes to bring you peace of mind
24/7 service available